bernard is 5 years younger that twice Mitchell’s age. How old is mitchell if the total age is 35 years old?

bernard is 5 years younger that twice Mitchell’s age. How old is mitchell if the total age is 35 years old?

0 thoughts on “bernard is 5 years younger that twice Mitchell’s age. How old is mitchell if the total age is 35 years old?”

  1. Answer:

    Mitchell is 20 and Bernard is 15

    Step-by-step explanation:

    So, Y is Mitchell’s age, and X is Bernard’s age.

    Y = ?

    X = ?

    35 (ages combined) – 5 (how many years Bernard is younger than Mitchell) = 30

    30 ÷ 2 = 15

    (Mitchell’s age) 15 + 5 = 20

    Y = 20

    X = 15

    So, Mitchell is 20 and Bernard is 15.

    Sorry if wrong! Plz mark brainiest if correct 😀 Have a great day luv <3



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