An egg is dropped from a treehouse and takes 1.5 seconds to reach the ground. We can ignore air resistante What is the egg’s displacement?

An egg is dropped from a treehouse and takes 1.5 seconds to reach the ground. We can ignore air resistante What is the egg’s displacement?

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  1. Answer:

    d = -11.025 m


    Given that,

    An egg is dropped from a treehouse and takes 1.5 seconds to reach the ground. We need to find the egg’s displacement. It can be calculated using second equation of motion as follows :


    u is initial speed, the initial speed of egg is 0 as it was at rest initially.

    a = -g (as the stone is coming downward direction)

    t is time.

    si is egg’s displacement

    [tex]s=0-\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2\\\\s=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 9.8\times 1.5^2\\\\d=-11.025[/tex]

    -ve sign shows the displacement of the egg in opposite direction of its motion and its magnitude is 11.025 meters.


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