Abbey receives a $40 gift card for downloading music and wants to determine how many songs she can purchase. Each downloaded song costs $2.8

Abbey receives a $40 gift card for downloading music and wants to determine how many songs she can purchase. Each downloaded song costs $2.89 a. Let m represents the number of songs downloaded. Write an inequality that represents this given situation? b. What is the maximum number of songs Abbey can download?

0 thoughts on “Abbey receives a $40 gift card for downloading music and wants to determine how many songs she can purchase. Each downloaded song costs $2.8”

  1. Answer:

    13 songs

    Step-by-step explanation:

    40 divided by 2.89 is 13.84. DO NOT ROUND TO 14

    So its a maximum of 13 songs, otherwise it will cost 40.46 for 14 songs

  2. Answer:

    A. $2.89(m)=$40

    B. 13 songs

    Step-by-step explanation:




    She can download a maximum of 13 songs


    $2.89 (13 songs)=$37.57

    $40-$37.57=$2.43 left on her gift card

    m=13.84, check that 0.84 of the cost of a song is left over 0.84*$2.89=$2.43


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