A textbook store sold a combined total of 256 sociology and blology textbooks in a week. The number of sociology textbooks sold wa

A textbook store sold a combined total of 256 sociology and blology textbooks in a week. The number of sociology textbooks sold was three times the number of
blology textbooks sold. How many textbooks of each type were sold?
Number of sociology textbooks sold: ?.
Number of biology textbooks sold: ?.

1 thought on “A textbook store sold a combined total of 256 sociology and blology textbooks in a week. The number of sociology textbooks sold wa”

  1. The number of sociology textbooks sold is 192, and the number of biology textbooks sold is 64.

    What is a linear equation?

    It is defined as the relation between two variables, if we plot the graph of the linear equation we will get a straight line.
    If in the linear equation, one variable is present, then the equation is known as the linear equation in one variable.
    It is given that:
    A textbook store sold a combined total of 256 sociology and biology textbooks in a week.
    Let x be the number of sociology textbooks sold
    Let y be the number of biology textbooks sold
    x + y = 256
    x = 3y
    Using substitution method:
    3y + y = 256
    4y = 256
    y = 256/4
    y = 64
    x = 192
    Thus, the number of sociology textbooks sold is 192, and the number of biology textbooks sold is 64.
    Learn more about the linear equation here:


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