A student scored a 76, 84 and 90 on his first three quizzes. Solve a compound inequality to find the possible values for the fourth quiz, x,

A student scored a 76, 84 and 90 on his first three quizzes. Solve a compound inequality to find the possible values for the fourth quiz, x, that would give him an average between 80 and 85 (not inclusive).

0 thoughts on “A student scored a 76, 84 and 90 on his first three quizzes. Solve a compound inequality to find the possible values for the fourth quiz, x,”

  1. Answer: 80

    Step-by-step explanation: If you put 80 into the set and average all the numbers, you will get an average of 82.5 which is the number in between 80 and 85.

    Hope this helped!

    Mark Brainliest if you want!

  2. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    In order to find the answer, you need to add 76+84+90.

    You would get 250.

    You would need to divide it by 3 because the student has only done 3 tests so far so you would get 83.333….

    So, the possible value that the student might get in his fourth quiz is 83.333…

    Hope this helps:)


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