A party size bag of Takis cost $5.95. If it’s 30% off, but has a sales tax of 7%, what is the final cost?

A party size bag of Takis cost $5.95. If it’s 30% off, but has a sales tax of 7%, what is the final cost?

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  1. Answer:

    The bag of Takis now costs $4.46.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    We are given that a bag of Takis costs $5.95. We are also told that a markdown of 30% is applied to the product.

    [tex]\displaystyle 100\%-30\% = 70\%\\\\\frac{70}{100}=0.7\\\\5.95 \times 0.7 = 4.165 \approx \$4.17[/tex]

    Our new price is equal to $4.17, but we are told that a sales tax of 7% is also applied to the Takis. Therefore:

    [tex]\displaystyle 100\% + 7\% = 107\%\\\\\frac{107}{100} = 1.07\\\\4.17 \times 1.07 = 4.4619 \approx \$4.46[/tex]

    Therefore, the item with a markdown and sales tax applied is approximately $4.46.


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