A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 4.0 Hz and an amplitude of 8.0 cm. If the mass of the object is 0.20

A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 4.0 Hz and an amplitude of 8.0 cm. If the mass of the object is 0.20 kg, what is the spring constant

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  1. Answer:

    The spring has a constant of 126.334 newtons per meter.


    Given that mass-spring system experiment a simple harmonic motion, the angular frequency of the system as a function of frequency is:

    [tex]\omega = 2\pi \cdot f[/tex]


    [tex]\omega[/tex] – Angular frequency, measured in radians per second.

    [tex]f[/tex] – Frequency, measured in hertz.

    Given that [tex]f = 4\,hz[/tex], the angular frequency of the system is:

    [tex]\omega = 2\pi \cdot (4\,hz)[/tex]

    [tex]\omega \approx 25.133\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

    Now, the angular frequency can be obtained in terms of spring constant and mass. That is:

    [tex]\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }[/tex]


    [tex]k[/tex] – Spring constant, measured in newtons per meter.

    [tex]m[/tex] – Mass, measured in kilograms.

    The spring constant is now cleared:

    [tex]k = \omega^{2}\cdot m[/tex]

    If [tex]\omega = 25.133\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex] and [tex]m = 0.20\,kg[/tex], the spring constant is:

    [tex]k = \left(25.133\,\frac{rad}{s} \right)^{2}\cdot (0.20\,kg)[/tex]

    [tex]k = 126.334\,\frac{N}{m}[/tex]

    The spring has a constant of 126.334 newtons per meter.


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