A cube has a side length (s) of 5 centimeters. The expression 6s2 gives the surface area of the cube and the expression s3 gives the volume.

A cube has a side length (s) of 5 centimeters. The expression 6s2 gives the surface area of the cube and the expression s3 gives the volume. What is the volume and surface area of the cube?

I need to find the
surface area = cm2
volume = cm3

0 thoughts on “A cube has a side length (s) of 5 centimeters. The expression 6s2 gives the surface area of the cube and the expression s3 gives the volume.”

  1. Answer:

    Volume: 125³ cm

    Surface: 150² cm

    Step-by-step explanation:

    I hope this answered your question.

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