A company, ABC, wants to produce Graphing Calculators. The equipment rental costs are $150 per month and the parts for the calcula

A company, ABC, wants to produce Graphing Calculators. The equipment rental costs are $150 per month and the parts for the calculators cost $1.50 per calculator.

a. Create a function that models this situation:

1 thought on “A company, ABC, wants to produce Graphing Calculators. The equipment rental costs are $150 per month and the parts for the calcula”

  1. The total cost that company ABC uses to produce x graphing calculators in a month is given by y = 1.5x + 150

    What is an equation?

    An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more variables and numbers.
    The standard form of a linear function is:
    y = mx + b
    Where m is the rate of change and b is the initial value of y.
    Let y represent the total cost of producing x calculators in a month, hence:
    y = 1.5x + 150
    The total cost that company ABC uses to produce x graphing calculators in a month is given by y = 1.5x + 150
    Find out more on equation at: https://brainly.com/question/2972832


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