A 112.6 g mass of unknown material is submerged in 102 ml of water to yield a final volume of 126 ml. what is the apparent density

A 112.6 g mass of unknown material is submerged in 102 ml of water to yield a final volume of 126 ml. what is the apparent density of the unknown material?

1 thought on “A 112.6 g mass of unknown material is submerged in 102 ml of water to yield a final volume of 126 ml. what is the apparent density”

  1. Taking onto account the definition of density, the apparent density of the unknown material is 0.894 g/mL.

    Definition of apparent density

    The apparent density of a material or a body is the ratio between the volume and the dry weight, including voids and pores that it contains.
    In other words, apparent density is defined as the mass of many particles of the material divided by the total volume they occupy, which includes the volume of particles, the void volume between particles, and the internal pore volume.
    Apparent density is not an intrinsic property of a material, that is, it can change depending on how the material is handled.
    The expression for the calculation of density is the quotient between the mass of a body and the volume it occupies:
    density= mass÷  volume

    Apparent density

    In this case, a 112.6 g mass of unknown material is submerged in 102 mL of water to yield a final volume of 126 mL. This is, you know:
    • mass= 112.6 g
    • final volume= 126 mL
    Replacing in the definition of apparent density:
    density= 112.6 g÷  126 mL
    density= 0.894 g/mL
    Finally, the apparent density of the unknown material is 0.894 g/mL.
    Learn more about density:


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