5. Did you buy any ______ in Nha Trang? (A. souvenir things, B. memorial things, C. souvenirs, D. memory items) 6. My parents ______ me to see Cham Te

5. Did you buy any ______ in Nha Trang? (A. souvenir things, B. memorial things, C. souvenirs, D. memory items)
6. My parents ______ me to see Cham Temples last summer. (A. led, B. took, C. brought, D. directed)
7. Did you ______ anything there? (A. bought, B. buying, C. buy, D. brought)
8. Sometimes we talk in English and sometimes _____ Vietnamese. (A. by, B. into, C.in, D. on)
9. Hi, Liz. Welcome back. How _____ your vacation in Nha Trang? (A. are, B. is, C. was, D. were

0 thoughts on “5. Did you buy any ______ in Nha Trang? (A. souvenir things, B. memorial things, C. souvenirs, D. memory items) 6. My parents ______ me to see Cham Te”

  1. Để tìm câu trả lời chính xác các em hãy tham khảo souvenir là gì các nguồn hoc24.vn, lazi.vn, hoidap247.com để thầy cô và các chuyên gia hỗ trợ các em nhé!


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