255^2-245^2=_ Don’t solve using a calculator, is there a trick to solving this without a calculator? thanks, please do

Don’t solve using a calculator, is there a trick to solving this without a calculator?
thanks, please don’t spam!

2 thoughts on “255^2-245^2=_ Don’t solve using a calculator, is there a trick to solving this without a calculator? thanks, please do”

  1. Since they are whole numbers you can just subtract
    255 – 245 = 10
    The ^2 means add two decimal points after the 10 in the positive direction since it’s ^+2

    So 1000

    255^2 =25500
    245^2 = 24500

    25500 – 24500 = 1000

  2. Recall that
    (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²
    Then we write
    255² – 245² = (245 + 10)² – 245²
    … = (245² + 4900 + 10²) – 245²
    … = 4900 + 100
    … = 5000


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