x2 + 6x – 7 Factor the following trinomials containing negative numbers. Follow the rules for operations with signed n

x2 + 6x – 7

Factor the following trinomials containing negative numbers. Follow the rules for operations with signed numbers to identify the correct binomial factors.

1 thought on “x2 + 6x – 7 Factor the following trinomials containing negative numbers. Follow the rules for operations with signed n”

  1. The factored form of the given trinomial is (x -7)(x +1)

    Factoring the quadratics

    From the question, we are to factor the given trinomials
    The given trinomial is
    x² + 6x – 7
    The trinomial is a quadratic expression. The trinomial/ quadratic expression can be factored as a product of two binomial. When factored, the trinomial will take the form (x + a)(x + b)
    Where are a and b are integers.
    Factoring the trinomial
    x² + 6x – 7
    To factor the trinomial, we will find two numbers such that when added, we get the middle term; and when these numbers are multiplied we get the constant term.
    The numbers that satisfy this condition are +1x and -7x
    x² +x -7x – 7
    x (x + 1) -7(x +1)
    (x -7)(x +1)
    Hence, the factored form of the given trinomial is (x -7)(x +1)
    Learn more on Factoring trinomials here: https://brainly.com/question/13875709


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